Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Skill of Patience (callme2580-거제출장안마)

The Skill of Patience

Learning to accept daily frustrations

By strudellhea

callme2580-거제출장안마 Patience is a virtue! Or, at least that is how the saying goes. But is it really? Patience is defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset,” a definition with several important components. Patience is also a skill. We can work on increasing our ability to be patient and engage in practices to become a more patient person. 

Before looking at how to develop more patience, it is best to define what we are actually talking about. Patience (or the lack thereof — impatience) occurs in response to some sort of difficulty or delay in life that is not going according to expectation. A day can hardly be lived without encountering something that interferes with our plans, and so we might say that the “interferences” or “disruptions” are a normal part of life; to expect otherwise will make it difficult to be patient. 

Could it be that one of the strategies for developing the skill of patience is adjusting our expectations so that they are more realistic? We can learn to expect “disruptions.”

We also see that a part of the above definition for patience is “the capacity to accept or tolerate.” Acceptance … what a misunderstood word. Acceptance is often confused with “liked” or “approved,” but acceptance is more of an idea of surrender. Many things occur in life that are undesirable. Our option is to fight against it and to try to change it –– or to surrender and accept it as reality. 

Surrender tends to have a negative connotation associated with it, likely from its use in the context of war. Yet, we surrender to certain realities all the time and don’t think twice. There is much in nature that we surrender to; such as gravity, seasons, daylight and darkness. We do not view surrender to those realities as a bad thing. Why? It is because we are sure we cannot change that specific reality, so we choose not to fight it; rather, we accept the reality. 

Impatience often comes as a result of not surrendering to a situation that we really cannot fight. Getting stuck in traffic, waiting on someone late for a meeting or being sidelined by someone else’s mistake are examples of the need to surrender to a reality that we cannot change.

The final component in the definition for patience is accepting or tolerating the situation without getting angry or upset. It helps to separate the feeling of anger from the behavior of anger. We can choose our behaviors, but we cannot choose our feelings. Feelings just happen. When we feel something, we have the responsibility to manage that feeling and to choose what behavior we will exhibit in response to the feeling. How do you, in the midst of a strong feeling, choose to behave? 

The secret is in our thoughts. What we choose to think in response to a feeling can intensify or calm the feeling. What we think in response to a feeling will allow us to choose our response, or behavior, to that feeling. This mental process is crucial in developing the skill of patience.

While developing the skill of patience is work, becoming a more patient person has many benefits. Believe it or not, patience is well researched. The following are just some of the benefits of being a patient person.

Patience will make you a physically healthier person. Stress and anger are frequently the result of being impatient, and they are linked to numerous physical “stress-based illnesses.” Some examples include hypertension, high cholesterol, ulcers, heart disease and strokes. Research has shown that people who rate higher on patience have lower overall stress levels and less physical illness connected to stress.

Patience helps you to develop a healthy attitude. A lack of patience often results in being unhappy, irritable, focusing on the negative and eventually believing that nothing ever seems to go your way. Patience improves your ability to accept setbacks and enjoy life much more. There is a saying; “Good things come to those who wait.” Patience allows you to persevere and make more productive decisions, often leading to greater success.

Patient people have a greater sense of gratitudeThe skill of patience will help you be less focused on what “isn’t happening” and more focused on being present with life as it is occurring. Similarly, patience helps you focus on what is good and to be thankful. In fact, patience and gratitude reinforce each other. The more grateful you are for what is good helps you to become more patient, and patience allows you to slow down and notice what is going well.

Patience transforms relationships. It can help you avoid becoming irritated, defensive and saying hurtful things. It can slow you down and prevent hasty, selfish decisions. Patience helps in developing the crucial relationship skill of empathy — the ability to understand life from the perspective of another. When you are impatient, you are focused inward, on you, on what you are not receiving. On the other hand, when you are patient, you are focused outward, able to think and choose care and compassion for the other person. 

Patience is a skill that can be learned and practiced, and it is a result of choosing to emphasize thinking over feeling. Here are some suggestions for developing the skill of patience (I am glad that you were patient enough to wait for them). 

Slow Down

Most of us live life at a fast pace, which makes patience difficult. Maybe those who “take some time to smell the roses” are on to something. Very practically, you can pay attention to your breathing. Slow your breathing, breathe deeply, fully expanding your lungs. Taking a few slow “calming breaths” can help you refocus mentally. 

Physiologically, deep breathing, relaxation and exercise all serve to dissipate adrenaline (the stress chemical) and release endorphins (the calming chemical). Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a proven stress reliever. It is a 20-minute exercise where a person progressively relaxes all areas of the body while breathing slowly and deeply. Scripts for muscle relaxation are readily available on the Internet. 

Creating a little time for these stress management techniques will reduce stress, and will pay dividends in calmness and patience. 

One last aspect of slowing down is to take a “time-out” when you encounter difficulty. A time-out is a “pause in the action” for the purpose of stepping back, looking at the situation more objectively, planning a strategy and asking for help. Once you exercise a time-out, you are able to bring your most calm, productive and patient self to the problem. 


Using thoughts to manage emotions is key to developing patience. You can begin this process by focusing on the big picture. Ask yourself what is true about you, the others involved or the situation as a whole, and reflect on those truths. Examples include: “I have successfully dealt with adversity before.” “The others involved are doing the best they can and want a successful outcome too.”

Another aspect of thinking is to avoid thinking in dichotomies, as in things are good or bad, right or wrong. Most situations in life are in the gray areas, a combination of positives and negatives, and for most problems or situations in life, there is more than one way to solve it. 

Choosing to empathize with others is an important thinking skill you must choose. Empathy involves asking yourself questions: “What would I think, feel, want or do if I were in that person’s situation?” It can involve trying to imagine what the other’s experience is and using that understanding to decide how you relate to him or her. Empathy can often be communicated with statements such as, “I wonder if you are feeling/thinking this,” or, “I imagine that if I were in your shoes, I would probably feel or want this.” Empathy builds connection.


You can literally choose to be more patient, but it requires a certain type of self-talk. You have to tell yourself, “I’m going to relax,” or “I’m going to adjust my expectations and be patient.”

Self-talk is a critical aspect of thinking, because we can choose our thoughts. When we do, it also changes brain chemistry.봉수아 출장안마 When we choose to think that we will adjust our expectations and try to be patient, it actually causes our central nervous system to relax and to decrease the release of adrenaline. 

It can also be helpful to choose to think about the big picture. Often the difficulties that trigger impatience are smaller things; or are at least only a part of your life. We can choose to focus on one specific difficulty in life, or we can look at many other areas that are good. This will allow us to cultivate an “attitude of gratitude.”


There is more in life that we are powerless over than what we actually can control, but what we do control is our own self, our thoughts and our actions. Stress, worry and impatience are often the result of trying to manage or control something that we are powerless over.

Saint Augustine once said: “Patience is the companion of wisdom.” It is a wise person who sees the big picture, who recognizes that he is not God and who recognizes that he is not the most important person in the world. It is also wise to develop the skill of patience as it will garner the respect of others. It will also make life more enjoyable. 

Start today in choosing to develop more patience. But be kind to yourself so as not to become impatient in developing the skill of patience.

예약및문의 010-7625-7366

What is the Importance of Time in Human Life?(callme2580-여수출장안마)

What is the Importance of Time in Human Life?

Time plays a significant role in human life. If you understand the value of time better, you can gain experience and develop skills over time.

What is the Importance of Time in Human Life?
The Importance of Time in Human Life


Time is the continuous sequence of events that take place in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future.

A person lives in this world within a time that is expressed in the same matter, for ten years ago you were not the same as you are today, neither in your appearance, nor in your knowledge, nor in your experiences, everything around you changes with the passage of time. 

In this article, we will talk about the importance of this time in human life.

The Importance of Time in Our Life

Time has great importance in human life, including:

Time is related to all that is going on around us, so we often hear about the time dimension, because time is an essential element of life.봉수아 출장안마 Time represents special milestones, including birthdays, anniversaries and the birth of babies and helps us organize our daily lives and activities, so we can live a more organized and productive life.

From sunset till night, high tide and low tide due to the moon, the four seasons everything is completely time dependent.

Human life is measured by time, and the cycle of the sun, moon and earth is known as time, and through time we know the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second and parts thereof, and each time helps us to calculate the speeds of objects and the like.

In time, we know the history of the events that are taking place around us, and it helps us in documenting these events. Historians rely on time to determine the time of a specific incident.  Time also matters in determining the ages of antiquities and artifacts. The more time and time obsolete it is, the more valuable and more expensive it is.

At the time, we know the acts of worship, especially the prayer, which God made upon the believers a timed book, meaning that it is performed at the appointed time without delay. Likewise, we find that all worship has a close relationship with time.

If you want to know the importance of time,

  • Ask students about the importance of the time when they fail a test.
  • Ask the mother about the importance of time when she is about to give birth.
  • Ask the importance of time to someone who is preparing to pass the biggest interview in their life.
  • Ask the importance of time to an Olympic runner who prepares himself for the biggest competition of his life.
  • Ask the importance of time to a business owner or entrepreneur when they go all in to close a big deal.
  • Ask a patient about the importance of the time when he is told that he does not have much time to live.

Why Time is Important in Our Life?

Time is one of the most mysterious forces in the universe. Time plays a significant role in our life. Time helps us make a good habit of structuring and organizing our daily activities. If you understand the value of time better, you can gain experience and develop skills over time. Time is the most valuable resource because you cannot take it back.

Why does Time matter so much?  Here are 10 reasons why time is so important:

1. Time acts as both a teacher and a healer. Sometimes, the only way to get a new, healthy outlook on a situation is to give it time. Time teaches us the value of life and makes you feel happy to be alive.  A difficult or painful situation will seem less bad as time passes.
2. Time is the one thing that you can never get back. Once time has gone, it will never return.
3. Nobody knows how much time they have. People can die at any age and for any reason.
4. Every single thing in the universe is bound to time. Gradually all things start aging and eventually decay as time progresses.
5. We are aware of three stages of time - the past, the present, and the future but the only time we actually have is the present.
6. Time affects happiness. A person's perspective of time has a big impact on their happiness and peace of mind.
7. Mastering our available time is essential. Managing it poorly or well has a huge impact on life.
8. Skills development takes time, whether that skill is what you love or what you think is best for your future, it depends on how much time you invest.
9. Relationships are made or broken due to the amount of time you invest. The amount of time you invest is often the main difference between a deep relationship, loyalty, and one that’s shallow.
10. Everyone has the same 24 hours a day, so no one can complain about not having time for the things they want to do.

Time Management

Based on what we have mentioned about the importance of time in our life, it is the duty of the rational person to preserve the time that is in his hands and not to waste these times without proper exploitation and benefit us.여수출장안마 So we must learn to manage time because of its importance.

Schedule the day according to the concerns that you may be experiencing, especially for people who are employed, so they should not let the day is just a working day during the job, and then after they return home there is no activity or achievement. Rather, you should not take rest and comfort your request, but rather what your body needs from time to time without expelling you.

예약및문의 010-7625-7366

Best Marketing Tools for Online Businesses(callme2580-보령출장안마)

The 65 Best Marketing Tools for Online Businesses

A birds-eye view of three people sitting around a laptop with bright images on the screen.

Marketing tools are the invisible foundation of a strong marketing strategy. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of marketing tools out there, and some are expensive and difficult to use and implement. If you’re a small business owner, the cost of these tools alone can feel unwieldy, and choosing the best fit for your business may be difficult. 

We put together a curated list of the types of marketing tools you’ll need by marketing category.보령출장안마 While this isn’t a comprehensive list, it’s a thoughtful collection of tools that are at the top of their class, affordable, or free, and can grow with your business over time. 

65 Best marketing tools for online businesses

You might need tools from one or all of these categories—it really depends on what your goals are and what your overall strategy is. For tools that don’t have a free option, many offer seven- or 14-day free trials where you can test out the platform before you commit. 

A man looks at a computer screen

Email marketing

Email marketing tools help you create email campaigns, send out email blasts or newsletters, organize different email lists, and track and analyze results. They support your overall email marketing strategy by acting as a hub for all types of email campaigns you send, automated sequences like abandoned cart emails, or one-off announcements to your customers. There are tons of email marketing services out there, but these are some of the best. 


1. Mailchimp

  • Pricing: Free for up to 2,000 contacts, and includes up to 10,000 sends per month and a daily limit of 2,000. Paid plans start at $9.99 for 500 contacts. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, Mailchimp Shopify app.

2. Klaviyo

  • Pricing: Free for up to 250 contacts and 500 email sends total. Paid plans start at $20 per month for up to 500 contacts. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS, Klaviyo Shopify app .

3. Seguno

  • Pricing: Free for up to 250 subscribers. Paid plans start at $10 per month for 251 to 1,000 subscribers. 
  • Type of platform: Seguno Shopify app.

4. Omnisend

  • Pricing: Free for up to 250 contacts with 500 sends per month. Paid plans start at $16 for up to 500 contacts with up to 6,000 sends per month. 
  • Type of platform: Email marketing for ecommerce: Integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce.

5. Automizely

  • Pricing: Free for up to 300 contacts with 3,000 sends total. Paid plans start at $11 per month for 600 contacts, with unlimited email sends.
  • Type of platform: Automizely Shopify app

6. Shopify Email

  • Pricing: Included free with any Shopify store. 
  • Type of platform: When you sign up for a Shopify store, email comes with it. 
A person looks at an Instagram feed on their phone

Social media marketing

Social media tools allow you to do things like create one post, then automatically send it to every platform—at the time and date you set. These tools eliminate manual processes like tracking the performance of each post in a spreadsheet, or going into each social media app every day to get content up.출장안마 They also make it easier to create and launch paid social posts, and make it possible for customers to shop a social feed on your website.

7. Buffer

  • Pricing: Free for up to three social channels and 10 posts queued up at a time. Paid plans start at $5 per month per social channel, with unlimited posts in the queue.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface. 

8. Followerwonk

  • Pricing: Free for up to one profile, with 50 Twitter searches per day. Paid plans start at $23 per month with up to three profiles and unlimited Twitter searches per day. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

9. Shopify Online video maker

  • Pricing: Free, even if you don’t have a Shopify store. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

10. AdRoll

  • Pricing: Free option with AdRoll branding and up to 5,000 email sends. Paid plans start at $19 per month. Total cost depends on your paid ad budget, even with the free plan. 
  • Type of platform: Paid marketing for ecommerce businesses: Integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento, Wix, and PrestaShop.

11. Instafeed

  • Pricing: Free for one Instagram feed. Paid plans start at $4.99 per month for up to three feeds. 
  • Type of platform: Instafeed Shopify app

12. Sause Social Commerce

A man records a podcast into a large microphone

Content marketing

Content marketing tools can support every leg of your content marketing strategy, whether that’s helping you create new videos, contribute to your blog, or run a podcast. They simplify tasks and support others, no matter how much experience you have. 

13. Hemingway editor

  • Pricing: Free product.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

14. Vimeo Create video maker

  • Pricing: Basic membership is free, but get up to 5v GB per week (up to 250 GB per year) of storage with the Plus membership, which starts at $7 UD per month. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, Vimeo Shopify app

15. Simplecast podcast management

  • Pricing: There’s no free plan for Simplecast, but it does offer a 14 day free trial. A Basic plan starts at $13.50 USD per month for 2 team member seats. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface 

16. BuzzSumo

  • Pricing: Free plan offers 10 searches per month. Paid plans start at $79 per month for unlimited monthly searches.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface. 
A person types a phrase into Google on their laptop

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO tools help you optimize and research ways to optimize your organic website traffic through online search engines. They allow you to do keyword research, track the performance of different web pages, and help you understand how to get your website to perform better in organic search. SEO helps you drive more free traffic to your website. 

17. Moz

  • Pricing: Free SEO tools like Keyword Explorer, MozBar, Domain Analysis, and Link Explorer. Moz Local starts at $14 per month for businesses with a physical location. Moz Pro starts at $99 per month for teams that need to track weekly keyword rankings, custom reports, competitive research, and more.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

18. Semrush

  • Pricing: There’s no free option. Paid pricing costs $119.95 per month. With this plan, teams can have up to five projects and track up to 500 keywords daily. The second tier plan costs $229.95 per month and includes up to 15 projects and 1,500 keywords tracked daily.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

19. Ahrefs

  • Pricing: There’s no free option; you can start with a seven-day trial for $7. The Lite plan starts at $99 per month and includes up to 500 keywords, with rankings tracked weekly. The Standard plan costs $179 per month and tracks up to 1,500 keywords every five days.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

20. Ubersuggest

  • Pricing: Free keyword research tool. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface. 

21. SEO Booster

  • Pricing: Use the free plan to automatically add alt text to up to 50 products. Upgrade to the Pro plan at $39 per month and automatically add alt text to up to 500 products.
  • Type of platform: SEO Booster Shopify app

22. Avada SEO: Image Optimizer

  • Pricing: Optimize up to 50 images with the free plan, and upgrade to the Pro plan at $29 per month for unlimited image optimization.
  • Type of platform: Avada Shopify app. 

23. Shopify SEO tools

  • Pricing: Comes free with any Shopify store. 
  • Type of platform: Part of the back end of your Shopify store. 
A flat lay of identical beige envelopes

Direct mail

Catalogs, coupons, and event flyers are all methods of direct mail marketing that you might send to a customer. Direct mail marketing tools make it possible to design, ship, and track the performance of your direct mail initiatives at scale.

24. Sendoso

  • Pricing: There’s no free plan and no pricing listed on the Sendoso website, but the Essential plan allows up to 1,500 sends per year. The Plus plan allows up to 4,000 sends per year.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

25. Postie

  • Pricing: Postie does not list any prices on its website; you’ll need to contact the sales team for a demo.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

26. PebblePost

  • Pricing: PebblePost does not list any prices on its website; you’ll need to contact the sales team for a demo. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

Lead generation

Lead generation tools automate the lead sourcing process and help nurture new prospective buyers into customers. Without these tools, attracting new customers to your business would be a manual time-consuming process, requiring that many moving parts work in harmony. Lead gen tools take the guesswork out of these processes by doing them for you. 

27. HubSpot

  • Pricing: HubSpot offers free CRM, marketing, sales, and customer service tools. The actual Marketing Hub plans start at $45 per month for 1,000 marketing contacts. The next tier plan starts at $800 per month for up to 2,000 marketing contacts and significantly more features.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, HubSpot Shopify app

28. ONE marketing suite

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Lead capture and conversion

You might offer a 15% discount to first-time email subscribers, or let people sign up on a landing page for updates on a new product launch. Lead capture tools prompt leads for their emails so you can send them marketing emails in order to convert them into customers. Without lead capture tools, you’ll miss out on the ability to nurture the people who come to your site and don’t convert. 

29. Unbounce

  • Pricing: There’s no free option, but you can start with a 14day free trial. The basic Launch plan costs $90 per month and includes up to 500 conversions, up to 20,000 visitors, and one domain. The Optimize plan costs $135 per month and includes up to 1,000 conversions, 30,000 visitors, and up to five domains.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface. 

30. Octane AI: Quiz Growth Tools

  • Pricing: There’s no free option, but you can start with a 14-day free trial. The Starter plan costs $29 per month after that; the next tier costs $199 per month and includes dynamic quiz functionality.
  • Type of platform: Octane Shopify app.

31. Sales Pop up—Conversion Pro

  • Pricing: The free version includes up to $100 in boosted revenue. The second tier plan costs $3.99 per month and includes up to $1,000 in boosted revenue.
  • Type of platform: Sales Pop up Shopify app

32. Justuno

  • Pricing: Start with a 14-day free trial. The entry level plan costs $41 per month and includes up to 10,000 website visitors. The second tier plan starts at $399 per month and includes unlimited website visitors. 
  • Type of platform: Justuno Shopify app
A person sends a message on their phone

Live chat 

Live chat isn’t just for customer support. We found that 70% of customers conversing with businesses through Shopify Inbox had questions around a purchasing decision. Live chat tools facilitate real-time conversations, can automate responses, and can help you track and analyze what types of messages work better for conversion. They play a major role in answering the questions that hold customers back from making a purchase. 

33. Intercom

  • Pricing: Start with a 14-day free trial. For small businesses, plans start at $67 per month. For larger businesses, pricing is calculated by the number of seats you need and number of unique people you reach every month with outbound messaging.
  • Type of platform: SaaS plug-in. 

34. Gorgias

  • Pricing: No free option but you can sign up for a seven-day free trial. Priced plans start at $60 per month for 350 tickets and an extra $25 for each 100 tickets. The next tier costs $300 a month for 2,000 tickets and an extra $23 per 100 additional tickets.
  • Type of platform: Integrates with Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento.

35. Tidio

36. Shopify Inbox

  • Pricing: Free with any Shopify store.
  • Type of platform: Add Shopify Inbox to any Shopify store.
A person works on their laptop next to two swatches of blue and red gradients

Design and visuals

From your packaging to your business cards to product photos and videos, the design and visuals of your website are unique to your brand. These design tools make it easy for anyone, design chops or not, to create a bright, compelling, visual language for your business. 

37. Canva

  • Pricing: Free option includes a large set of features. Pro option costs $12.99 per month and comes with premium photos and templates, collaboration features, and brand kits. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

38. Shopify business card maker

  • Pricing: Free Shopify business tool—no Shopify store required.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

39. Promo video maker

  • Pricing: Make videos for free, but if you’d like to download them, you’ll have to pay for a plan. The entry level tier costs $29 per month.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, Promo Shopify app

40. Arka packaging and supplies

  • Pricing: There is no free option and pricing depends on how large your packaging is and how much volume you do. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, Arka Shopify app.  
A person uses a project management tool on their phone and laptop

Project management tools

Project management tools are the key to an organized marketing campaign calendar and smooth communication between you and the other members of your team. 

41. Google Workspace

  • Pricing: Try out Google Workspace free for 14 days. Plans start at $6 per user per month for 100 participant video meetings and 30 GB of cloud storage per user. The second tier plan costs $12 per user per month for 150 participant video meetings and recordings, plus 2 TB of storage per user.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS.

42. Slack

43. Asana

  • Pricing: Free product that works for up to 15 team members. Paid plans start at $10.99 per month if you have more than 15 team members or want additional features for more complicated workflows.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

44. Airtable

  • Pricing: Airtable’s free product includes unlimited bases, 1,200 records per base, and 2 GB of attachments per base. Upgrade to a paid plan at $10 per seat per month for 5,000 records per base, 5 GB of attachments per base, and six months of revision history. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

45. Basecamp

  • Pricing: Basecamp Personal is free and includes three projects, 20 users, and 1 GB of storage space. Try out Basecamp business free for 30 days, and upgrade to a paid plan for $99 per month with unlimited projects and users and 500 GB of storage space.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS software download.
A woman sends an SMS message on her phone

SMS Marketing

According to a study, SMS marketing is extremely effective—many SMS campaigns have an average open rate of 98%. Compared to email marketing, which often hovers around 20%, it’s becoming a more effective way to reach customers. SMS marketing tools make it possible to send those bulk messages and measure their impact. Without these tools, it would be impossible to text customers at scale.

46. Postscript

  • Pricing: Free to install, and $0.0149 per SMS message. A $19 per month upgrade gets you 1:1 SMS conversations, but you’ll still have to pay $0.0149 per 봉수아출장안마.

48. Lazer Technologies SMS marketing

  • Pricing: Free to install, but $0.02 per SMS sent in the US/Canada, $0.06 per international text message, and $0.05 per 출장마사지.

49. Attentive

  • Pricing: There’s no free option, and Attentive does not list pricing information on its website.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.
A person uses an analytics tool on their laptop

Analytics and tracking

In order to better understand how the different elements of your website are performing, you’ll need analytics and tracking tools. These tools clue you in to what levers you can pull to increase customer conversions on different webpages. 

50. Google Analytics

  • Pricing: The standard version of Google Analytics is free.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface 

51. Hotjar

  • Pricing: The free version of Hotjar’s heat mapping tool includes up to 35 daily sessions, unlimited heat maps, and up to 1,050 recordings per month. Pay $39 USD per month for up to 100 daily sessions and 3,000 recordings per month. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS 

52. Lucky Orange

  • Pricing: The free version of the Lucky Orange heat mapping tool includes 500 pageviews per month and unlimited heat map data and recordings for 30 days. Upgrade to the $10 USD per month package for 25,000 pageviews per month. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS,

53. Heap

  • Pricing: Free option includes one project and up to 10,000 sessions per month. Paid plans start at $3,600 per year and include up to 40,000 sessions per month. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, Shopify integration.

54. Salesforce—tableau analytics

  • Pricing: There’s no free version of the base product, Einstein Predictions, which starts at $75 per user per month for “predictive insights.” To get access to the Tableau CRM analytics tool, it’s $125 per user per month. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface. 

55. Mixpanel

  • Pricing: Free for 100,000 monthly tracked users. Paid plans start at $25 per month—you build your own plan by picking the number of monthly tracked users you need. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.
Different logos laid out on a white background

Brand marketing 

Brand marketing tools tell the story of your brand, from the name of your business to your logo. If you’re a small business in particular, these tools make it quick and easy to get up and running without spending a ton of money hiring a branding specialist or designer. 

56. Hatchful logo generator 

  • Pricing: Free Shopify logo generator.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.

57. Shopify business name generator

  • Pricing: Free Shopify business name generator.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface.
A laptop sits open to an influencer's Instagram page on a cream and rust bedspread

Influencer and affiliate marketing

Influencer marketing tools help you find and reach out to qualified influencers who will market your products to their audiences. Rather than sourcing candidates yourself by manually combing through social media networks, these tools provide an easy platform and process where influencers reach out to you. Affiliate marketing tools can help you start and manage your own affiliate marketing programs, an otherwise bulky process that would be challenging to operate manually.

58. Dovetale

  • Pricing: Free plan includes three seats and unlimited applications. Upgrade to the $19 per month plan to accept unlimited members. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface for enterprise customers

59. Refersion

  • Pricing: Free for 14 days. Plans start at $89 per month for 130 tracked affiliate conversions per month. Upgrade to Enterprise (price upon request) for unlimited tracked conversions. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface,

60. Carro

  • Pricing: The free version allows you to work with influencers and to list and browse products. Paid plans are free for 60 days. Then, pay a 5% fee on sales through Carro and $50 per month for cross-store selling. 
  • Type of platform:

61. Impact

  • Pricing: It’s free to install Impact, but it costs $500 per month and up for its affiliate and influencer marketing services. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface,

Loyalty and rewards

Incentivize customers to make repeat purchases with loyalty and reward programs. Loyalty and reward program tools track purchases and automatically generate rewards when they’re due. Many of these tools also provide referral programs that incentivize existing customers to get new customers to make purchases. 

62. Yotpo Loyalty & Rewards

  • Pricing: Yotpo’s free loyalty and rewards plan includes up to 100 monthly orders, customizable rewards, and a referral program. Upgrade to a paid plan for $29 per month for additional features like customized rewards pop-ups and points for product review.
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, 봉수아 출장안마.

63. Smile Rewards & Loyalty

  • Pricing: Smile’s free version comes with a points and referral program. Paid plans start at $49 per month and include program branding, reward emails, and one integration. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, 보령출장안마.

64. LoyaltyLion

  • Pricing: The free LoyaltyLion program includes 800 monthly orders and basic loyalty features. Paid programs start at $159 per month and also include 800 monthly orders and “core features.” Pay $399 per month for up to 2,000 orders. 
  • Type of platform: Standalone SaaS web interface, 카톡ID:HW333.

65. Growave

  • Pricing: While there’s no free version of Growave, you can try it free for 14 days. Paid plans start at $19 per month for 100 orders, reviews, and rewards. Pay $29 per month for up to 250 orders. 
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The Skill of Patience (callme2580-거제출장안마)

T he Skill of Patience Learning to accept daily frustrations By strudellhea callme2580-거제출장안마   Patience is a virtue! Or, at least that is h...